Open Lines newsletter

The Open Lines newsletter is for members with a pension in payment from the Kent Pension Fund. It contains updates about local government pensions, financial news, and general information that you may find helpful.

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We produce the newsletter twice a year, in Spring and Autumn.  The Autumn issue is online only. We post the Spring issue to home addresses as it includes details about the annual pension increase and tax for the new financial year. You can choose to be notified by email for both issues.

Open Lines by email

To help us achieve our net zero ambitions and keep costs down for the Fund, you can opt to have Open Lines sent to your email address instead. We email a link to this page to you when Open Lines is published. If you prefer to receive Open Lines by email, please complete the Open Lines by email form

Opt out of receiving Open Lines

Some members may not wish to receive the newsletter. If you want to opt out of receiving Open Lines, please complete the opt out of Open Lines form