Death of a pensioner

The benefits from the LGPS that may be payable upon your death depend on when you stopped paying into the scheme. They could include:

Notify us about a death

Complete the online notification of a deceased scheme member form. If you have notified Tell Us Once (TUO) and ticked public sector pension, you do not need to complete our form. Watch a short video about how to use TUO to tell organisations about a death just once

Information for dependants (survivors and children)

As a dependant you may be entitled to survivor's or children's benefits.

A dependant in this case is a person who, at the date of death of the pensioner member, was either their:

  • spouse
  • civil partner
  • eligible cohabiting partner (meets conditions)
  • eligible children (meets conditions).

As a dependant you will need to complete a dependants declaration form which we send to you. If you have not received this form after the member has died, you should contact us.