Sending documents to us
If you are in receipt of a pension payment and you need to send documents to us, please scan them or take a photo. Please email them to
If you are unable to do this, you can post them to the office but they may take longer to process. The office is Pension Payroll Team, HRConnect, 1 Abbey Wood Road, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent ME19 4YT.
This area is for members who are in receipt of a LGPS pension from the Kent Pension Fund.
MyPension Online
Create an account or log in to MyPension Online to access a summary of your pension account. You can update your address, bank, nominations, and view your payslips and P60.
Courses (free)
We provide online webinars for members about certain subjects. Find out about webinars for members
State Pension
The government pay your State Pension in addition to your LGPS pension. Find out about the State Pension on the GOV.UK website
FAQs about the cost of living crisis
The Local Government Association (LGA) have produced some FAQs about the cost of living crisis. It includes information about help for pensioners on low incomes. Read the FAQs about the cost of living crisis
McCloud remedy in the LGPS
The Local Government Association (LGA) have produced information about the McCloud remedy for members. It includes key dates, FAQs, and an online tool to find out if you are affected. Find out about the McCloud remedy for the LGPS
Find out how Kent Pension Fund are dealing with the McCloud remedy
Contact us
Contact details for the Pension Payroll Team.
Open Lines newsletter
Includes the latest issue and the request form to receive Open Lines by email
Pensions Increase
How your pension changes every April in line with the cost of living.
Pension payment information
Includes pension pay dates, payslip and P60 information, and how to change your bank details.
Kent Active Retirement Fellowship (KARF)
Includes find your local branch, branch enquiry form
Death of a pensioner
The benefits that may be payable when you die in receipt of a LGPS pension. Includes the form if you need to report a death.
Guaranteed Minimum Pension
Information about Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) and how it is paid as part of your LGPS pension.
Tax and your pension
Includes contact details for HMRC who work out your tax code and information about tax and new pensions
Divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership
Proof of life
We are required to confirm that retired members living abroad remain entitled to receive their pension.
Forms for pensioner members
Guides and factsheets for pensioner members
Includes Expression of wish guide and form
Re-employment and your pension
The effect on your pension if you are re-employed.
How we keep in touch with members in receipt of a pension
How we communicate with members who have a pension in payment.
Help and complaints
Who to contact for help and the process involved in raising a complaint. Includes information about how to trace previous pension rights
In receipt of spouse, civil partner or eligible cohabiting partner pension
Information if you are in receipt of a spouse, civil partner or eligible cohabiting partner pension.
In receipt of a child pension
Information if you are in receipt of a child's pension.
In receipt of a pension share following divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership
Information if you are in receipt of a pension credit following divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership.
Data sharing with the LGPS National Insurance database
The data we share and why we share it with the LGPS National Insurance database.