Report and accounts 2023
In October 2023, we published the draft report and accounts 2022-23. In March 2024, the audit certificate was issued. We published the report and accounts 2022-23. Read the Kent Pension Fund report and accounts 2022-23 (PDF, 3.7 MB)
Contribution pay bands 2024/25
The contribution pay bands change from 1 April 2024. Find out the contribution pay bands
Pension increase
In January 2024, a HMT written ministerial statement was released. It confirms that current member pension accounts will be revalued by 6.7% in April 2024. An increase of 6.7% applies from 8 April 2024 to deferred pensions and pensions in payment.
Report and accounts 2022-23
We published the draft report and accounts in October 2023.
The audit of the annual report and accounts for 2022-23 has been completed. However, the audit certificate will only be issued following completion of the Kent County Council audit. Read the draft annual report and accounts 2022-23 for Kent Pension Fund (PDF, 2.2 MB)
LGPS statistical release
The government provide a statistical release each year detailing the performance of the LGPS at a national level. Read the Local Government Pension Scheme Funds England and Wales: 2022 to 2023 statistical release
Open Lines newsletter
We published the Autumn issue of the Open Lines newsletter for members in receipt of a pension. Read the Autumn 2023 issue of Open Lines
Newsletter for current members
We published a newsletter for current members in July 2023. They are members who are currently paying into the Kent Pension Fund. Read the current member newsletter Summer 2023 (PDF, 455.6 KB)
Newsletter for deferred members
We published a newsletter for deferred members in July 2023. They are members who have stopped paying in and their pension is held in the Fund until it is payable. Read the deferred member newsletter Summer 2023 (PDF, 504.0 KB)
Change to the annual revaluation date
The LGPS (Amendment) Regulations 2023 move the annual revaluation date from 1 to 6 April 2023, and thereafter on each 6 April, for all members. Read further details in the Local Government Association (LGA) bulletin 234A
Lifetime Allowance (LTA) and Annual Allowance (AA)
In the budget on 15 March 2023 the Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, confirmed plans to abolish the LTA and increase the AA from £40,000 to £60,000. Further details will be on our website in due course.
Contribution pay bands 2023/24
The contribution pay bands change from 1 April 2023. Find out the contribution pay bands
McCloud judgement and the LGPS
The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has produced a factsheet summarising the McCloud judgement and the changes the government are making to the LGPS. Read the factsheet about the McCloud judgement and your LGPS pension
Pension increase
The pension increase on pensions in payment and deferred pensions is 10.1% from 10 April 2023.
Reports and accounts
The final report and accounts for 2021-22 is published. Read the report and accounts 2022 (PDF, 3.0 MB)
Reports and accounts
The draft report and accounts for 2021-22 is published. Read the draft report and accounts 2021-22 (PDF, 2.3 MB)
Valuation of the Fund
The valuation is published. A valuation of the Fund is undertaken every 3 years. The latest valuation was at 31 March 2022. Read the valuation report at 31 March 2022 (PDF, 2.3 MB)
Contribution pay bands 2022/23
The contribution pay bands change from 1 April 2022. Find out the contribution pay bands
New national LGPS members website
In March 2022 the Local Government Association (LGA) launched a new look national LGPS members website. Visit the national LGPS members website
Funding Strategy Statement (FSS) consultation
September 2021
The consultation has ended and the statement finalised.
July 2021
The Pension Fund Committee has endorsed a revised Funding Strategy Statement for consultation and responses should be submitted by 13 August 2021. Find out about the Funding Strategy Statement Consultation 2021 (PDF, 163.9 KB)
Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) consultation
Members of the public and interested bodies are invited to respond to the government consultation about GMPs by 30 December 2020.
Read the written ministerial statement about GMP indexation
If you wish to respond to the consultation, please read the Public Service Pensions: Guaranteed Minimum Pension Indexation consultation
Stock markets 2020
There have been articles in the news about the fall in stock markets and the impact on pension schemes. There may be an impact on defined contribution pension schemes, but the LGPS is a defined benefit pension scheme. It is not linked to stock market performance.
Short term investment values of the LGPS fund may vary. However, LGPS long-term investments are securely managed to address any longer term impacts.
LGPS members can be assured that their pension, whether in payment or built up to date, will be unaffected.
Woodford investment 2020
The Kent Pension Fund has investments with the Woodford Equity Income Fund. You may have seen articles about this in the press. Current, deferred, pensioner and dependent pensioner members of the Kent Pension Fund should be reassured this will not affect their pension entitlement.