To join the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) you must:
- be under age 75. There is no lower age limit.
- work for an employer that offers membership of the scheme.
All eligible employees, including apprentices, can be a member of the scheme. It depends on your type of contract whether you are automatically entered into the scheme or you opt in. Find out about automatic enrolment and the LGPS
If you have a contract of more than 3 months
You are automatically entered into the scheme.
If you have a contract of less than 3 months
You are not automatically entered into the scheme but you can opt in. Complete the opt in form (PDF, 161.2 KB). You will become a member of the scheme from the beginning of the next pay period following your application to join.
Casual employees who have no mutuality of obligation are deemed to be employed only on the days they actually work. Mutuality of obligation means the employer is not obliged to offer work and the employee is not obliged to accept work. Therefore they are unlikely to work 3 months consecutively and will be regarded as having a contract of less than 3 months.
If you have a contract of less than 3 months which is extended
You are automatically brought into the scheme from the date your contract is extended.
Check you are in the scheme
Check your payslip to see if you are paying into the scheme.
If you are not paying in, contact your employer to check if you can join. If your employer confirms that you can join, complete the opt in form (PDF, 161.2 KB) and return it to them.
Your employer informs us that you have joined the scheme. We create a pension record for you. We provide an Annual Benefit Statement (ABS) in late August from the following year onwards.
If you are employed by a designating body, such as a Town or Parish Council, you can only join the scheme if your employer nominates you for membership.
If you are employed by an admission body, you can opt to join the scheme if it is allowed in their admission agreement. You should contact your employer to find out if you can join the scheme.