Joining and Automatic Enrolment

Find out what a pension is

To join the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) you must:

  • be under age 75 (there is no lower age limit), and
  • work for an employer that offers membership of the scheme.

Find out about the key features of the LGPS

We provide free online webinars for members about certain subjects. Find out about webinars for members

Reasons for joining

There are good reasons to join the scheme. Find out about the reasons for joining


You pay contributions when you join the scheme. Find out about the cost of joining

Employer contributions

Your employer pays into the scheme. Every 3 years a valuation of the Fund is undertaken by an actuary. It calculates how much your employer must contribute to the scheme. Find out what your employer pays


It depends on your type of contract whether you automatically join the scheme or you need to opt in. Find out who can join the LGPS

When you join the scheme your employer gives you a joiner pack. It includes forms to complete. If you are not given a joiner pack, ask your employer.

You can join the LGPS and continue to pay into a personal or stakeholder pension. HMRC have rules about tax charges on pension savings. Most people will be under these pension savings limits and not incur tax charges. Find out about tax controls and pensions

Keeping you informed

We provide an annual benefit statement in late August every year. Find out about annual benefit statements

50/50 section

You join the main section of the scheme. If you want to, you can opt into the 50/50 section after you join. You pay half your contributions and build up half your pension. Find out about the 50/50 section

Opting out of the scheme

You can opt out of the scheme at any time. Find out about opting out. You can opt back in at any time.

Rejoining the scheme

If you left and rejoin the LGPS, you may have a deferred benefit. This is usually aggregated with your new pension account. If you opted out after 1 April 2015, you are not permitted to do this. Find out about rejoining the LGPS

Transferring in previous pension

You may be able to transfer in previous pension rights. You have 12 months from joining the scheme to request this. Find out about transferring in pension rights

Taking your pension

You can receive your full LGPS benefits at your normal pension age (NPA). For most members your NPA is linked to your State Pension age (SPa), but is at least age 65.

You can take your pension from age 55 but it is reduced for being paid earlier. You can take your pension after your NPA and it is increased for being paid later. Find out about retirement and taking your pension

Automatic enrolment

Automatic enrolment is a government initiative. Your employer must enrol employees that meet certain criteria into a pension scheme. You can opt out. Your employer must re-enrol their employees every 3 years but you can opt out again. Find out about automatic enrolment and the LGPS

Calculation of your benefits

Each scheme year you build up a pension based on your annual pensionable pay. The calculation is set out in law. Find out how your pension is calculated