Transfer discharge forms to complete

If you decide to transfer out your LGPS benefits, there are forms that you must complete. There are forms that your new pension provider must complete too.

All forms must be signed. This must be a signature and not a printed name. The forms can be uploaded to us. They can be scanned and saved to a device or a photo can be taken of them. You must complete the scheme member forms. Your pension provider must complete other forms.

When you have completed them, use the online enquiry and upload document form to send forms to us. If you experience difficulties, please contact us to make alternative arrangements.

When we receive all correct and completed forms, we provide a further calculation considering any adjustments necessary.

You cannot complete transfer discharge forms if you are still paying into the scheme.

Protect yourself against pension scams

Watch out for pension scams. They can be hard to spot. Once you have transferred your pension to a scam, it is too late. You could lose all your pension savings and face a tax bill. Protect your pension. Find out about pension scams prevention before you transfer

Guidance and forms for the scheme member

Transfers to defined contribution schemes that allow flexible access to benefits may require you to obtain independent financial advice. Your new pension provider will let you know whether you need to receive advice.

If you have left the scheme, transfer quotations are guaranteed for 3 months. Transfers cannot be paid if you are within 12 months of your normal pension age. Please see your transfer quotation letter for further details.

We must receive all discharge forms, including the advice confirmation form if relevant, within the deadline. The deadline must be met for the guarantee to apply and the transfer to be paid.

Non overseas transfer forms

Complete 2 forms:

  1. Download and complete the transfer election form - scheme member non overseas (PDF, 149.3 KB)
  2. Download and complete the transfer advice confirmation form (PDF, 152.8 KB). Please seek advice from your new provider to determine whether the transfer advice confirmation form is required.

Overseas transfer forms

Overseas includes the Channel Islands, Ireland and the Isle of Man.

Complete 3 forms:

  1. Download and complete the transfer election form - scheme member overseas (PDF, 289.2 KB)
  2. Download and complete the transfer advice confirmation form (PDF, 152.8 KB). Please seek advice from your new provider to determine whether the transfer advice confirmation form is required.
  3. Download and complete the qualified recognised overseas pension schemes – Member information and notes for completion of APSS263

Guidance and forms for the new pension provider

As a pension provider you may have questions about the LGPS. Read LGPS transfer information for pension providers

Transfers to defined contribution schemes that allow flexible access to benefits may require the scheme member to obtain independent financial advice. You may need to advise the scheme member whether they need to receive advice depending on the type of scheme you administer or recommend. You may need the scheme member to provide details of other rights in the LGPS in England and Wales before determining whether this advice is necessary. Please see page 1 of the member discharge forms.

Transfer quotations for scheme members who have left the scheme are guaranteed for 3 months. Transfers cannot be paid if a scheme member is within 12 months of their normal pension age. Our quotation letter to the scheme member provides further details.

We must receive all discharge forms, including the advice confirmation form if relevant, within the deadline. The deadline must be met for the guarantee to apply and the transfer to be paid.

Non overseas transfer forms

Complete 1 form:

  1. Complete the transfer discharge form - new pension provider non overseas (PDF, 590.9 KB)

Overseas transfer forms

Overseas includes the Channel Islands, Ireland and the Isle of Man.

Complete 2 forms:

  1. Complete the transfer discharge form - new pension provider overseas (PDF, 542.4 KB)

  2. Complete the termination, change of responsibility to an overseas scheme or overseas arrangement