Rejoining the LGPS

If you opted out but remained in local government employment

If you were a member of the LGPS and opted out, but remained in employment and now wish to opt back in complete the opt in form (PDF, 161.2 KB). Return it to your employer. They will commence deductions and inform us that you have rejoined the scheme.

If you opted out of the scheme after 11 April 2015 and became entitled to a deferred benefit, you are not permitted to join this with your new pension account. You will have two separate pension benefits in the scheme.

If you terminated employment, then became employed with another LGPS employer

If you terminated employment and later became employed with an employer who provides membership of the LGPS, you may wish to join again. If you are eligible for membership of the LGPS, you automatically become a member.

If you have a contract for less than 3 months, you do not automatically become a member. You can opt to join. Complete the opt in form (PDF, 161.2 KB) and return it to your employer.

You have the right to decide not to join the scheme if you automatically become a member. You can opt out and in at anytime.

If you previously left and then rejoin the LGPS, your deferred pension rights will usually be aggregated with your new pension account. We will write to you to explain your options.

If you wish to transfer previous pension rights from other pension arrangements into the LGPS

If you wish to transfer previous pension rights from other pension arrangements into the LGPS, you must elect to do so within 12 months of rejoining the scheme. Your employer can allow you longer. This is an employer discretion. You can ask your employer what their policy is on this matter.

If you opt out then opt back in at a later date and you are in the same employment, you cannot transfer in previous pension rights as you have had your 12 months time constraint for that employment.

When you join the scheme your employer tells you about the Joiner pack. It includes forms for you to complete giving details about your previous pension rights within 12 months of joining.

Aggregating your pension records

If you previously left and then rejoin the LGPS your pension is usually automatically aggregated.

You may be able to opt to retain your deferred pension rights in the LGPS, rather than aggregating them with your new pension account. You must contact us within 12 months of joining the scheme to opt to retain your deferred pension.

There are a lot of things to take into account when deciding whether or not to join your pension accounts together. Contact us if you need further information in order to make your decision.

If you become a current member again, only one lump sum death grant is payable to your beneficiaries, whichever death grant is the greatest. This is regardless of whether your deferred benefits are aggregated with your new pension account or not. As a current member, the lump sum death grant is 3 times your annual pay.

Find out about aggregating pension accounts