Keep up to date with LGPS news
Create an account or log in to MyPension Online to access a summary of your pension account.
We keep you informed in various ways to ensure you are in receipt of information about the scheme and your pension benefits.
Annual Benefit Statements (ABS)
We provide an ABS at the end of August. Find out about annual benefit statements
Your ABS is available on MyPension Online. Create an account or log in to MyPension Online
You can request to receive communication by paper instead. Complete the opt out of digital communication form
Pension Pulse - newsletter for current members
We publish an annual newsletter for current members every Summer. Read the Summer 2024 issue of Pension Pulse (PDF, 393.4 KB)
Guides and factsheets
Guides and factsheets are available on a range of subjects. Read scheme guides and factsheets
Change to scheme regulations
We communicate any major change in the scheme regulations to you.
Pre Retirement Course
A free pre retirement course is provided. There are several dates for the course throughout the year. You should consider attending if you are thinking of taking your pension in the next 10 years.
The course includes:
- an explanation of how the pension is calculated, and
- how some of the annual pension can be converted to provide a larger lump sum.
Find out about the free pre retirement course and how to book
Pension Saving Statement
If you have exceeded or are approaching the Annual Allowance (AA) limit, we send a letter to your home address. The AA limit relates to the growth in your pension benefits in a year ending 31 March. We send the letter by the following 6 October.