In-house Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) are extra payments to increase your future benefits. Read the factsheet about building up extra savings: a guide to AVCs in the LGPS (PDF, 839.1 KB)
Find out how in house AVCs work
Our in house AVC providers
You have a choice of 2 AVC providers in which you can choose to invest. Both companies offer various methods of investing AVCs. Further information can be obtained from:
- Prudential
- Standard Life - 0345 2785665
If you pay AVCs and contribute to a defined contribution (DC) scheme at the same time, there are restrictions such as the Money Purchase Annual Allowance (MPAA). If you drawdown from your DC scheme, you must notify us. You may want to get independent financial advice about this. Find a list of Independent Financial Advisers (IFA) on the Financial Conduct Authority website
If you are paying AVCs and change your job to an employer that still offers membership to the LGPS in Kent, your AVC contract may not automatically transfer. Your contract may stop. You should check your payslip. If it stops, you should contact your AVC provider to start a new contract.
If you are already paying AVCs to Equitable Life you can continue to do so. New contracts can not be taken out with them.
AVC guides and application forms
Read the guide and use the online application form on the Prudential website
Complete your application online for Prudential. The online form is available on their website.
Standard Life
Read the Standard Life guide (PDF, 359.7 KB)
If you wish to apply, please complete the Standard Life application form (PDF, 161.5 KB)
Download the form, complete, and ink sign. Upload a scanned copy or photo to Kent Pension Fund by using the online enquiry and upload form Alternatively, post it to Kent Pension Fund, Kent County Council, Chief Executive's Department, Invicta House, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1XX.
AVCs on retirement
There are different ways that you may be able to use your AVCs on retirement. There are regulations about pension guidance when you take your AVCs. Find out about AVCs on retirement
Advice about AVCs
We are unable to give advice about which scheme suits your individual circumstances. You may wish to take independent advice before making your decision.
A list of independent financial advisors can be obtained from the Financial Conduct Authority website. Any recommendation made to you will be based on your own circumstances. We cannot be held responsible or liable in respect of any independent advice given.
Your employer may offer salary sacrifice shared cost AVCs. Please contact your employer to find out whether their policy allows this.