Putting my pensions together webinar
We conduct free webinars about putting my pensions together. If you would like to book, there are scheduled dates during the year. Find out about the putting my pensions together webinars
You have a pension account for each employment that you pay in to the LGPS.
If you change from one employer to another that offers membership to the LGPS, your pension account stops and a new pension account starts. We send you a welcome letter when your new pension account starts.
There are various regulations about aggregating pension accounts. We write to you to let you know your options. This process may take some time. If you have a query in the meantime, please contact us using the contact details below. Please be assured that any delay in writing to you will not be detrimental to your pension.
Your Annual Benefit Statement is based on your previous employment until we have written to you and you have made an election regarding your pension accounts (if applicable).
Regulations about aggregating pension records can apply if you transfer previous pension rights from another LGPS pension fund in England and Wales.
If you change your role or post with the same employer without a break in service, your membership in the LGPS is continuous.