About the LGPS

Understanding your LGPS pension webinar

We conduct free webinars about understanding your LGPS pension.  If you would like to book, there are scheduled dates during the year. Find out about the understanding your LGPS webinars

The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is one of the largest public sector pension schemes in the UK with over 6 million members. Find out what a pension is

The LGPS is governed by regulations made by parliament. They consult with trade unions and employer representatives about the regulations.

Key features of the LGPS

Type of scheme

The LGPS is an occupational pension scheme and a Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) pension scheme. A CARE scheme means your benefits are worked out on your pensionable pay each year and added together. Inflation is added to keep its value. Find out more about what type of pension scheme the LGPS is


Read the LGPS scheme guides and factsheets

Administration of the scheme

The scheme is administered locally through regional pension funds in England and Wales. Kent Pension Fund is one of those regional pension funds. The Kent Pension Fund is administered by Kent County Council (KCC). There is a clear distinction between KCC and the Fund. The assets of the Fund are held completely separately to those of KCC and over 400 participating employers in the Fund.

The administration of members records is administered by Kent County Council and the employers in the scheme. Employers include local authorities and public service organisations. Find out about the administration of the fund

Investments are managed by Kent County Council. Find out about investment management of the Kent Pension Fund


Read the report and accounts of the Kent Pension Fund to find out how the fund has performed.

The government provide a statistical release each year detailing the performance of the LGPS at a national level. Read the Local Government Pension Scheme Funds England and Wales: 2023 to 2024 statistical release

How we communicate

We keep you informed in various ways. We publish a communication policy. It details the way that we communicate to all types of members. Read the communication policy (PDF, 491.7 KB)